On Fri, 2008-10-17 at 21:04 -0700, Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:
> Martin Sourada a écrit :
> > Looking better but still not good enough, I think. Try to shape the icon
> > in similar style like in gnome icon theme (with "isometric" pesrspective
> > though). You should add shadow as well.
> >
> > Martin
> >   
> New version of emblem-symbolic-link.
The shape is better, but

 a) the white outline has differing width and in 16x16 it's missing
completely use 2px thick in 48x48, and 1px in 24x24, 32x32 can have
either 1px or 1.5px width, whatever looks better. I'd also to create it
from inkscape-drawn outline (4px resp. 2px width) with rounded
 b) the arrow head looks subjectively too big, probably because of a)
 c) the arrow looks like it's falling over. It should be standing, not


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