On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 12:48:26PM -0500, Máirí­n Duffy wrote:
> Hi Jayme,
> Jayme Ayres wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I have had some ideas for the DVD label and have done two designs.
>> http://jaymeayres.com/arquivos/fedora/f10/fedora10-CD-DVD-jayme1.png
>> http://jaymeayres.com/arquivos/fedora/f10/fedora10-CD-DVD-jayme2.png
> These are very nice! I really like how the flares have been integrated  
> in to the design. One glaring issue though is that you can't put a  
> keyline around the Fedora logo like that. You have to find another way  
> to make it stand out against the background or even remove it (since  
> there is already a fedora logo in the center right maybe the 10 could be  
> added there and the top of the disc left blank?)

That keyline appears to be a frequent issue.  Maybe one of the Artwork
contributors can write a short wiki tutorial on making acceptable
stand-out features like a reverse glow/shadow?  If that was a wiki
page we could simply point people to it and say, "this is acceptable
by permission."  I might also be able to run it by Red Hat Legal and
get it incorporated into our logo usage guidelines.

Paul W. Frields                                http://paul.frields.org/
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