Hi Paul,

----- Original Message ----
> From: Paul W. Frields <sticks...@gmail.com>
> I was looking at the F11 Artwork page on the wiki:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F11_Artwork
> ...and wondering about (1) the group's progress in converging on a
> background, and (2) what needs to happen, and when, for the background
> to land in the F11 Beta.
> The F11 Beta freeze arrives on March 10th, and it would be good to
> have a background ready somewhat before that so there's time to tweak
> it before the freeze.  As I understand it, once the desktop background
> is decided, that will form the basis for the other theme pieces for
> the Preview Release.

I *think* we're going to be okay. I'll know by Monday whether or not we might 
have an issue. I am going to cram this weekend and try to iterate on what we've 

If anyone's with me, pop in #fedora-art this weekend :)



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