On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 08:38:44PM +0100, Martin Sourada wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-03-16 at 11:25 -0700, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> > ----- Original Message ----
> > > From: Martin Sourada <martin.sour...@gmail.com>
> > 
> > > "Blame" Matthias -- if it were not for him pointing it out, I wouldn't
> > > probably come to this conclusion all by myself. His critique made me
> > > think about it and you've read the result :-D
> > 
> > Okay great. So all I need to do is send unintentionally offensive funny
> >  emails to start a controversy, and suddenly the feedback will pour in.
> > 
> > I'm not sure I'm going to be up for that again, though.
> > 
> > :(
> > 
> Not sure this was needed... But having it in release definitely helps a
> lot. Naturally, we cannot see everything ourselves, but the feedback
> from people outside of the Art Team can be the push (like with
> Matthias). I hope more mails will pour in after the Beta is released to
> public ;-) Come to think of it, it would be really great to have it in
> Alpha already, but seeing how we are always late with schedule (note
> that I'm also at fault here for not helping with the actual art)... 
> But I think the new process of creating the art also contributed a bit
> to us not being exactly fastest this release... I'm sure next release
> will be better (unless we change the process again).

Actually, from what I could see release-over-release, this time around
the Artwork team has done its best job ever of meeting a self-imposed
schedule, including having a theme iterated during the early part of
the cycle, producing promo Alpha and Beta banners for the web site,
soliciting backgrounds, and getting one included in the Beta release.

I think this team's doing a spectacular job.  Nevertheless, more hands
are good, and I encourage you to get involved as much as you can!

Paul W. Frields                                http://paul.frields.org/
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