Hello Team,

Sorry if this should not have written here but I thought that is the art
team and perhaps someone has a tablet.

Máirín Duffy gives me this link to make my tablet (Wacom Bamboo FUN A5Wide)
on Fedora (http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net/). I did this:

cd linuxwacom(...)/prebuilt

and it started to install:

Installing Wacom man page......
Installed under /usr/share/man/man4

Installing wacom_drv....
wacom_drv.so installed under /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input

Installing utility programs (wacdump, xidump, xsetwacom....)
Installed under /usr/local/bin

Installing wacomcpl......
Installed under /usr/local/bin

You need to compile and install wacom.(k)o manually if your kernel is out of

After adding your Wacom tools into /etc/X11/xorg.conf, please restart X
server or simply reboot your system to run the new Wacom X driver.

Then I added this lines (
http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=212355) to xorg.conf (created
with Xorg -configure :1).

I rebooted and... tablet doesn't works! XD (it appears on Extended Devices
window on Inkscape and GIMP)

Have you got any idea?

(sorry, again,if this does not look anything here)
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