On 2009-04-28 08:43:26 AM, Gianluca Sforna wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 1:49 AM, Ricky Zhou <ri...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> > By the way, would it be possible to make an updated version of the 1 day
> > banner?  Right now, it says "1 days," and where it should be "1 day."
> > The same might be true for the Italian one.
> Correct
> >
> > I'm about to send the an email to fedora-trans-list about getting more
> > translations for the countdown.
> I already asked opinions for translations to the Italian team. At
> first glance, it could be an issue to keep the "coming" and "arriving"
> concepts distinct after translation.
> Is the text set in stone or can we tune it to ease translations?
It's up to the translator's best judgement to make it sound natural in
their language.  If it's necessary to change the words a bit, feel free.


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