On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 08:53:43PM +0530, susmit shannigrahi wrote:
> >
> > Is this for the sleeves or the label? The sleeve says Intel / 32-bit 
> > doesn't it?
> Label..I haven't noticed the sleeve wordings.
> BTW, is it ok to use "Intel / 32-bit" on media label too? Ok...silly
> question I know. :)
> Thanks.

I think we had a very long thread about this last release... The
sleeves were adjusted last release to read:

"For Intel-compatible PCs" -- (for i386/i686/whatever_we_call_it_today)
"For 64-bit Intel-compatible PCs" -- (for x86_64)

The original "i386" and "x86_64" were cryptic to people who are just
trying out Linux for the first time using Fedora.  "32-bit" doesn't
add anything for the average user who needs it, because he probably
doesn't know the difference between that and 64-bit.  Meanwhile, that
"For Intel-compatible PCs" disc just works everywhere.  If he does
know the difference, the "64-bit" label on the x86_64 sleeve makes it

Just my take.  If we want more explanation, I would think it would be
smaller and de-emphasized in the sleeve art, but that's something
that's up to the folks who know good design better than I. :-)


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