On Tue, 30 Jun 2009, Kevin Kofler wrote:

Chris Adams wrote:
ISTR FESCo voted that down.

They voted it down based on false assumptions, such as the one from Bill
Nottingham (the one that it doesn't make any actual difference, which was
also Seth Vidal's main argument) I just rectified in the post you're
replying to. I'll do what I can to get it up for a revote based on the
feedback from this thread.

It really wasn't my main argument. My main argument was that we need a default no matter what and that adding 'GNOME' to the label doesn't change anything and adds to the confusion of new users.

It's the same argument that notting and ricky and others gave.

Asserting that the only reason your proposal was rejected is b/c everyone else misunderstood is just outrageous.


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