Bill McGonigle wrote:
> The parenthetical is the actual reason people don't like to reboot and
> may ignore security updates.  Boot times are trivial in comparison to
> restoring one's application state, for anything beyond the most trivial
> of use cases.

The average home user turns his/her computer off when going to sleep, so
he/she reboots at least once per day. Heck, even I do that. Leaving my
computer running when I sleep wastes power and makes me sleep badly
(probably because of the noise from the fans, though I don't exclude
electromagnetic waves possibly having to do with it as well (but no, I
don't use tinfoil hats or similar nonsense ;-) )). Home users with record
uptimes are a small minority, even if there are probably many of those on
this list.

        Kevin Kofler

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