On 10/14/2009 08:21 AM, Steve Dickson wrote:
On 10/13/2009 09:56 AM, Christopher Aillon wrote:

Not everyone had issues with the indexing so that seemed to slip past
testing.  It was a change, but didn't seem to disrupt things, so we let
it slide.
Not to pile on, believe me I know painful change is... 8-) but...

This new indexing is the biggest pain of all the changes IMHO...
My laptop CPU start to and continues to be pegged when I start up and
shut down TB3b... I could not read mail for 24hrs due to TPB3 trying
to indexing all my mail... Granted I have a ton of mail, in large number
of folders...  but my CPU became pegged, TPB3 start to eat all the memory,
causing everything to be swapped out, which caused the system to finally hang!!
This was happen continuously. So I figured the only way to get by this was to
delete mail... Which became a race between me deleting mail and TB3b try
to index that folder...  I have a feeling that scenario was not tested
too well... ;-)

So for you to say indexing "didn't seem to disrupt things" is simply
inaccurate... It was a major disruption and a complete waste of time...


Or put more simply, this "bug fix update" dropped an unexpected, 2+ gigabyte turd into my NFS-mounted home directory

[jgar...@bd ~]$ ls -l ~/.thunderbird/tc8ktlwu.default/global-messages-db.sqlite
-rw-r--r-- 1 jgarzik jgarzik 2731515904 2009-10-14 08:42 

as well as slowing down all my NFS accesses for ~24 hours.

I hope a thunderbird update is being prepared, to make 2 config tweaks for F11?

And a warning / release note for F12 users, noting that a __lot__ of additional disk space is required in ~/.thunderbird.


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