On 11/18/2009 09:43 AM, Mat Booth wrote:
> 2009/11/18 Orcan Ogetbil <oget.fed...@gmail.com>:
>> On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Jesse Keating wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2009-11-16 at 17:11 -0600, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
>>>> Actually not if done in conjunction with a release bump, such as we do
>>>> with a mass rebuild.
>>> Only if we make a promise to never use the same base n-v-r across the
>>> releases until whichever release we did the mass rebuild on is retired.
>>> You are correct in that if we did a mass rebuild in dist-f13, we could
>>> move to .f##, but consider 3 days later a maintainer wants to push a new
>>> upstream release across the branches:
>>> foo-1.2-1.fc11
>>> foo-1.2-1.fc12
>>> foo-1.2-1.f13
>>> We're back in the same boat where the "fc" packages will be n-v-r
>>> higher.
>> Is RPM so hard to hack to work this around?
>> Orcan
> One may opt not to use the dist tag, of course.

[cdah...@fearengine ~]$ rpmdev-vercmp foo-1.0-1.fc12 foo-1.0-1.12f
0:foo-1.0-1.12f is newer

....just sayin'....


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