2009/12/8 Panu Matilainen <pmati...@laiskiainen.org>:
> On Mon, 7 Dec 2009, Mat Booth wrote:
>> 2009/12/7 Panu Matilainen <pmati...@redhat.com>:
>>> Now that FESCo has approved new major RPM version for F-13 and the public
>>> beta is officially out... it's going to hit rawhide in a few hours.
>> I remember hearing a rumour about automagic OSGi dependency
>> resolution... Is that something that's likely to appear in the near
>> future?
> You're probably thinking of this:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/OSGiAutoDeps

Yes, that must be where I saw it.

> Rpm has carried the OSGi dep extractor script for couple of years now, but
> it doesn't get run automatically.

Is it not reliable enough?

Mat Booth

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