On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 08:19, Rahul Sundaram
<sunda...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On 12/17/2009 12:46 PM, Christof Damian wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 19:58, Lennart Poettering <mzerq...@0pointer.de> 
>> wrote:
>>>> pavucontrol currently crashes (and pulseaudio) for me on one machine
>>>> and I need this functionality.
>>> File a bug.
>> Could everyone on this list please assume that I filed a bug or found
>> the bug already reported if I mention a bug.
> Useful to add a reference to those bug reports in that case.

The thing is that the thread wasn't about this bug and I wasn't
complaining about the bug.

I just wanted to know in which direction pulseaudio is going. I could
as well have said: "In the future there will be no pavucontrol, how
will this be possible then".

I just find it annoying that some people seem to have "File a bug." in
their signature, when one should assume that on fedora-devel everyone
would file a bug for valid problems. It might and should be different
on fedora or the forums.


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