Hash: SHA1

Yeah, steves right! i didnt notice the exact error. i shouldnt have sent
this email that way. my bad!

BTW steve i didnt notice the error correctly. but it did work for me
after setting the yum configuration right!

steve wrote:
> Hi,
> On 10/05/2009 12:23 PM, Jose Mathew Manimala wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> [ ...snip... ]
>> # if necessary, delete the region db's...
>> rm /var/lib/rpm/__*db
> NO, NO, NO, dear God NO !! This is almost *never* a good idea. This is
> usually recommended if things go horribly wrong with the rpm DB (which
> is not even the case here !)
> If you are not sure about your answers, please at least refrain from
> giving arbitrary random bad advice !
>>>  i m new to fedora linux.i have downloaded fedora 12 alpha and installed
>>>  on my laptop.
>>>  when i tring to update from Internet i m getting fallowing error
>>> .kindly
>>>  do the needful.
>>>  " [r...@localhost ~]# yum install updates
>>>  Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
>>>  Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository:
>>>  InstallMedia. Please verify its path and try again"
> The error message says it all:
> a. yum cannot retrieve the repository metadata that it needs
> b. this happened when it was trying to retrieve the metadata from the
> repository 'InstallMedia'
> c. it further suggests that you verify the path of the InstallMedia
> repository and try again.
> Now, since you are new to Fedora, here is what you can do:
> a. Try using Fedora 11 instead of Fedora 12 alpha -- the 'alpha' implies
> that the release is still under development and you should expect things
> to break and you should know enough about how Fedora works to be able to
> deal with the breakage.
> b. If you still want to continue using Fedora 12, disable/edit the
> InstallMedia repository and also add the fedora online repositories (if
> they don't exist) to your yum conf. How exactly that is to be done, is
> left to you (or any others who wish to answer). Explore, play around and
> ask better questions[1] if you still don't get too far.
> cheers,
> - steve
> [1]  http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

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