On Tue, Dec 01, 2009 at 08:48:57 -0800,
  John Poelstra <poels...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Would folks be available at 3 PM EST this Wednesday or Thursday to
> do a check-in to see where we are at and what to tackle next?  We
> might also want to think about possible things to work on at FUDCon.
> Given the nature of our work, I'd also suggest that we meet on
> Fedora Talk instead of IRC :)

One thing to watch for is if when turning recording it breaks the service
for people who are already connected. This happened once at the last
group session that I participated in. I don't know if it was a one time
glitch or if there is a bug. The symptom was that when recording was
turned out remote listeners lost audio. Calling back in again fixed things

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