On Mon, Feb 02, 2009 at 08:20:34PM -0500, Steven Rostedt wrote:
>On Mon, 2 Feb 2009, Steven Rostedt wrote:
>> Do not put down that debugging ability just yet. Would it not be nice to 
>> just tell a user to run a script you send him (the script would do all 
>> the command line commands) and then the user could send you back the 
>> result. The user would not need to reboot or compile another kernel. You 
>> would be able to turn on or off anything function trace you would like.
>Also note, if your user has access to serial consoles, and many enterprise 
>users do, then you could also trace an oops. By setting 

Because many enterprise users are using Fedora...


>"ftrace_dump_on_oops" in the kernel command line, and have them enable 
>function tracing before they do whatever they do to cause the oops. The 
>ftrace dump output will dump to the console. If they have serial, then it 
>will dump to their serial console where they can record the crash. This 
>information can be very handy for us to analyze and find the cause on an 

Sounds neat.  Sadly, lots of common hardware these days lacks serial ports.
Will it do the same to a monitor if those options are enabled?


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