
Thank you for the reply! Do you know how to "fix" it. What needs to be
done to compile non-SMP?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jarod Wilson [mailto:ja...@redhat.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 6:01 PM
To: fedora-kernel-list@redhat.com
Cc: Paul Grinberg; Markus Kesaromous
Subject: Re: Recompile kernel without SMP

On Friday 14 August 2009 17:24:22 Paul Grinberg wrote:
> Markus,
> Thank you for your reply! I already feel better knowing that I'm not
> alone :)
> Maybe someone might have a clue "Why"....

Fedora doesn't ship any single-proc kernels anymore except for on
powerpc32. The spec file and sources don't contain an UP target or
the necessary support bits (config-foo) to build one for anything but
powerpc32, because its mostly pointless.

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