On 09/13/2009 03:58 PM, Amit Shah wrote:

> On (Sun) Sep 13 2009 [15:47:09], Xose Vazquez Perez wrote:
>> hi,
>> would it be possible to adapt the i386 distribucion
>> to run also the x86_64 kernel ?
> You can just 'yum install kernel.x86_64' and that'll work.

I did it in Fedora-11_i386 and there is no x86_64 kernel package.
maybe you are talking about fedora 12 ??

Time ago I installed a Fedora-10 x86_64 kernel in the Fedora_10 i386
distribution but I got troubles when yum was trying to get updates.
Otherwise all was running OK.


«Allá muevan feroz guerra, ciegos reyes por un palmo más de tierra;
que yo aquí tengo por mío cuanto abarca el mar bravío, a quien nadie
impuso leyes. Y no hay playa, sea cualquiera, ni bandera de esplendor,
que no sienta mi derecho y dé pecho a mi valor.»

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