Robinson Tiemuqinke wrote:

 Glad that FC6 is out today for download/playing. 

 But FC5 and FC6 are released too closely -- only
three months apart. while FC4 had released over one
year before FC5 appeared. Consequently, a lot of
people and small organizations, as far as I know, have
installed bunches of "free" FC4 boxes instead of FC5.
Thereafter, they will directly go to FC6 instead of
FC4->FC5->FC6, taking into the consideration of that
each upgrade from one release to another one is not a
tedious work.
Personally... rather than the RedHat stair step approach to releases, i.e. FCx, FCy, FCz... I would rather see a gentle slope... The stair step approach, it was good when RH was selling RH Linux, but this is not the best approach for a freely available version of RH. We are not buying new packages every release of RH.

Rawhide, as I see it, is always in motion, on the cutting edge of Linux, at least in the RH world. It's the development tip so to speak... I could be wrong on this.

What Fedora should be is the stable edge of rawhide, with some QA... snapshots would be the core releases. In an ideal world, loading up FCx, and doing a yum update should take me all the way to the current_stable FCz release of fedora. In other words, clean in-line updates, no matter which ISO snapshot I download/install... then Legacy isn't really a problem.

Note to RedHat and the Fedora Board - as Users, We are your Community to Develop... make the best use of the resource you have.


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