Axel Thimm wrote:

If some statement from legacy is needed about FC3/FC4 before that
decision is made (which IMHO is needed), how about something along a
heading of

  "Fedora Legacy is ending its current support model working towards
   direct involvement in maintenance of upcoming Fedora releases in
   FL's spirit of extending lifetimes of Fedora releases. Within this
   anticipated release model there will be no distinction between FL
   and other entities."

We don't pre-announce anything that hasn't been decided on, but still
show where FL is heading to.

It's better than simply hanging a "closed" sign upfront the website. :)

But FC3/4 admins reading this statement might think their versions are still supported somehow. At least I don't see 'FC3 and FC4 are effectively EOL right now' between the lines and I think people should know plans have changed and they aren't getting any updates anymore.

I think it's sad Fedora Legacy seems to be ending a little prematurely, but I totally understand that the people that were carrying this dying beast have decided to just put it down and let it be. Unfortunately I will have to be migrating our last Fedora servers over to CentOS even sooner now...

Thanks for all the work guys,

Nils Breunese.

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