On Wed, 2008-05-28 at 21:06 -0400, Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
> Well, my experience is that I've help to configure 2 different
> laptops 
> under windows xp, and in both cases, the wireless key was available
> from 
> the configuration tool in plain text.  YMMV. 
If the wireless key is readily available is is not much of a security
feature. In Linux if you have the keyring manager installed some one
else who has used the AP can retrieve the passwd from his keyring and
give it to you. In WEP that should work without a problem in the WPA we
use at school the passwd is tied to the login passwd so I suspect the
other person would not want to reveal it.

There is no sense having APs secured by passwds that are readily
available to any user. The system manager must be involved. It is true
that for home DSL systems the passwd is available in the router's web
page but again it is passwd protected by a router passwd.
There's no saint like a reformed sinner.
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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