El vie, 05-10-2007 a las 22:35 +0530, Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay escribió:

> > Sounds good, but isn't primarily for fedora.
> But it just fits the SUCCES bits of
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Made_to_Stick
> :)

-Simplicity —finding the core of any idea..............

        Pass (maybe)

-Unexpectedness —grabbing people's attention 
 by surprising them ...................................

        FAIL (IMO)

-Concreteness —making sure an idea can be grasped 
 and remembered later .................................

        I'm not sure. I'd bet it wouldn't.

-Credibility —giving an idea believability ............   

        Not much applicable IMO (this is a slogan..)

-Emotion —helping people see the importance of an idea

        Pass (maybe)

-Stories —empowering people to use an idea through narrative

        Not applicable here IMO




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