>>Jonas wrote:
>historically speaking developers are good at creating new development
>models, cool features, new and innovative stuff and be the cowboys on
>the frontline. One thing that developers has been better and better at
>over the years is human interaction, this is still an area that it is
>good to have outsiders for (the grandma example) To not only drive the
>technical frontline but also the usability.
>They are the ones to write and merge the code, to decide which idéas go 
>>where. So my question about statistics is about that, to know if there >are 
>many people not writing code that actually have any influence about >what goes 

Hi, I'm new here, but a long-time Fedora user. I think Jonas raised a very 
valid point about the needs of the end-user (grandma's) and are they being 
adequately voiced within the Fedora community.   

I'm an author and book designer, and I could not write a line of code, if it 
led to a nightly date with Keira Knightley. (Sorry) 

Not that I am disparaging developers, far from it. They are the backbone of the 
Linux world, and FOSS! But it is the end-user that actually uses our software: 
or not. Input about their needs and habits is vital.

Let me give an example: Fedora 8-KDE, the GIMP spin-off Krita. Great little 
version except that it was almost un-usable for a real artist. Why, because the 
pop-up menu boxes, you needed to do the work, obstructed the image area. 
Sometimes, they got so big you couldn't even see the right scroll-bar. You were 
forever moving them around; the only other choice was to turn them all off. 
They would not slide behind the image window.

That one flaw, in an otherwise great piece of software, ruined my experience 
and led me to yum in the Gimp. I imagined, at the time, the developers simply 
did not realize how such a thing might effect the whole thing in totality. 
Probably because they were not artists and too busy writing code and not doing 
art. That particular problem was fixed in newer versions, but the point is 
still valid. If that one detail happened to a new Fedora user who was an 
artist, we might just have drove her back to Daddy Bill. 

Please do not think that I am disparaging KDE. KDE rocks my world. Take 
Ktorrent for example. What can I say about that beauty, except eternal hugs and 
kisses to whoever created it.

Anyway. I realize the code-writers cannot be to theoretical; they are limited 
by what they can do and not always by what they would like to do. But marketing 
is not just about providing products to a fickle user-audience that knows it 
has choices and wants to be pampered. It is vital to create cutting-edge 
software that people can depend on and work with. And to do that the 
code-writers need input from their grandma.  

-- w Douglas Berry --


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