On Mon 30 November 2009 1:12:57 pm Gregory Maxwell wrote:
> The site requires flash.
> …  If anyone doing fedora marketing wants to put up videos that don't
> require proprietary software to view, please feel free to drop me an
> email. I'd be glad to help, or if I'm too busy I can connect you
> with someone else willing and able to help.

The last time I checked (read: Last night), VLC could play youtube links when 
passed the http://youtube.com/watch url from the command line, and that gnash 
played them in browser, both with the free-but-patent-encumbered codecs in 

So, no, you don't need proprietary software to view youtube. I use VLC with 
youtube links daily.

I too have had some bad experiences with blip.tv's upload service trying to 
get ABLEconf videos online. Blip.tv may be more Freedom oriented, but when it 
comes down to it, youtube+an ogv direct download accomplishes the same thing 
with much less effort :(

Awesome videos, Máirín. Almost enough to inspire me to put my own ugly mug 
onscreen ;-)

Ryan Rix
Fedora KDE SIG Member, Phoenix AZ Ambassador, News KDE Beat writer

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      countless other FOSS channels.

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