On Tue 1 December 2009 7:29:56 pm Robyn Bergeron wrote:
> The brainstorming list is
> also getting written up in wiki form, so that will be forthcoming as
> well, but I'm going to write while it's still in my brain...

Oopsiforgot. :-) Thanks for the reminder


We really want to get the entire Marketing team in on this, so please add your 
thoughts to the ideas that are already there, and please add new entries if 
you have them!!

Thanks and best,
Ryan Rix, TNG (Your donuts and coffee are incoming :^)

Ryan Rix
Fedora KDE SIG Member, Phoenix AZ Ambassador, News KDE Beat writer

http://hackersramblings.wordpress.com | http://identi.ca/phrkonaleash
XMPP: phrkonale...@gmail.com          | MSN: phrkonale...@yahoo.com
AIM:  phrkonaleash                    | Yahoo: phrkonaleash
IRC:  phrkon...@irc.freenode.net/#srcedit,#plugaz,#fedora-kde and
      countless other FOSS channels.

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