2009/12/16 Mel Chua <m...@redhat.com>

> The following people need to be at the meeting:
>> David (ke4qqq)
>  Eric (Sparks)
>  Mel (mchua)
> available except for Mon 15:00-16:00 UTC and Tue 20:00-21:00 UTC
>  Simon (itbegins)
>  Anyone else?
>> If those NEED people could send me their available times I'll put
>> together a time to meet.
>> Also, we could use some additional packagers.  If you would like to help
>> us out, please let me know that as well and I'll include your schedule
>> in my consideration.
> If you'd like to help, don't know how to package, but want to learn, there
> are a bunch of us in the same or close-to-the-same situation (me, Karsten,
> Matthew Daniels, Aaron Clark, etc...) trying to get a Learn To Package! week
> together - join us on the Classroom (
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/classroom,
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Classroom) mailing list if you're
> interested, I'm going to start a thread there now.
> Add me to this list as well, I am also a part of the "I want to learn to be
packager, somebody please help me" Group. A classroom for it would just be
great. I was hoping someone would have helped me when FOSS.in took place,
but well no one had the time.

> It might not help us out tremendously *right now*, to be completely honest
> - but we *will* need to fine-tune, tweak, revise, and launch v.2.0 of all
> these sites at *some* point in the future, and capacity-building for that
> day is a Very Good Idea.
> (If you *can* package and want to teach others how to package so we can
> tackle this stuff so you don't have to, please please please *please* let us
> know.)
> --Mel

And as Mel (simons, even ) knows i am pretty good with CSS, I am here to
help with most CSS stuff. What most people dont know is that I am a content
writer as well.  These are two things that I can help with.


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