Fedora Update Notification
2008-12-07 02:15:08

Name        : ntfs-3g
Product     : Fedora 10
Version     : 1.5130
Release     : 1.fc10
URL         : http://www.ntfs-3g.org/
Summary     : Linux NTFS userspace driver
Description :
The ntfs-3g driver is an open source, GPL licensed, third generation
Linux NTFS driver. It provides full read-write access to NTFS, excluding
access to encrypted files, writing compressed files, changing file
ownership, access right.

Technically it’s based on and a major improvement to the third
generation Linux NTFS driver, ntfsmount. The improvements include
functionality, quality and performance enhancements.

ntfs-3g features are being merged to ntfsmount. In the meanwhile,
ntfs-3g is currently the only free, as in either speech or beer, NTFS
driver for Linux that supports unlimited file creation and deletion.

Update Information:

Update to 1.5130: Fix: Reading a data storage with permanent or temporary
physical damage, or a partial read(2) system call could result ignoring the low
level hardware error and returning invalid data.

* Tue Dec  2 2008 Tom "spot" Callaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - 2:1.5130-1
- update to 1.5130

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update ntfs-3g' at the command line.
For more information, refer to "Managing Software with yum",
available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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