On 5/26/07, Christopher Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, May 22, 2007 at 09:07:49PM -0700, Chris Weyl wrote:
> Do you see an area where we could improve as a whole in?

I'm a totally happy customer!  I've heard whining about the perl builds in Red 
Hat and Fedora, but I've been unscathed.  The mod_perl updates were a pain once 
upon a time, but not in ages.

Still, I'm always open to constructive suggestions.  Neither anyone
nor anything is perfect :)

So...  Still rather wimpy with the statistics, I'm afraid.  All I
really did was add a counter for the total # of packages (707!) at the
top of the page, as well as a "last generated" bit.  I've rigged it to
run daily and push out to here until we find a more proper place to
put it:


 * no non-CPAN module support yet (working on it)
 * works off of CVS, not packages in the repos
 * still definitely not a finished product

Is there anything else that would be useful?  I'm thinking of having
it spit out either a page per owner listing all their packages, or
another large page with an index at the top and individual tables per
owner.  (Though part of me is resisting this -- it's contrary to what
I'd like to see happen, that is, people taking ownership of perl as a
whole in Fedora.)

Chris Weyl
Ex astris, scientia

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
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