On 08/15/2009 09:00 PM, Tom "spot" Callaway wrote:
Out of the thread on p5p, I'd like to propose the following changes for

* Rename "perl-core" to "perl"
* Rename "perl" to "perl-minimal"

The biggest change here is that there are still packages which "Require:
perl", usually to specify a specific minimal version. Here is a list of
rawhide packages which do this:

With this change, these packages will have a larger installation
footprint, unless they're cleaned up. Instead of:

Requires: perl
Requires: perl>  5.6.0

They should either have:

1. If they're version dependent, they should have

Requires:       perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo

2. If they're not, they could either accept the larger install
footprint, or switch to:

Requires: perl-minimal

Thoughts on this?



a) As others already pointed out, many of these "requires:" are automatically added => Part of the issue is inside of perl.req etc. and not inside of the perl package

b) "Requires: perl > XXXX" is intuitively understandable
("A natural solution" ), perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_..) isn't.

c) R: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_..) is not a natural replacement for
"R: perl > XXX". They have different semantics.

R: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_..) basically refers to module search paths, while "R: perl > XXX", can refer to many to subjects and may originiate from other issues, such as changes of the perl language, bugs a perl module author might have encountered, etc.

# rpm -q -requires help2man | grep perl
perl >= 0:5.005

* There is no explicit "requires: perl >= ..." inside of this package's spec,

* The package actually doen't require a "perl-package >= 5.005", it requires "The Perl Language > 5.005"

* The package doen't install any module, so "perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_..)" isn't right either.

That said, I think, we need another rpm tag, besides "perl" and "perl(:MODULE_COMPAT..)" to denote "The Perl Language" version and let rpm add this in perl.req instead of "perl > XXX".


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