
You wrote:
> For the past TWO distributions of FC (11 and 12)  the only
> information I was able to get from the disks after 8 hours of
> torrent download from your source site, was SIX DISKS OF THE SAME
> THING - disk one,
> This has happened TWICE in a row.  I wind up installing from the
> .net install disk ONLY.  This is not right.  The Net install disk
> does not allow one to remain idependent.  I do not like having to go
> online all the time for updates.

The DVD torrents are working fine for myself and many, many other
folks.  You would need to provide us with more details for us to be
able to help diagnose the problem.

> I just wanted to let you know in case no one else had that the net
> install REALLY SUCKS!

The net install is fine for many uses.  I've used it to test server
installs and minimal desktop installs.

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    -- Alice Kahn, writer

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