Just an idea - could we have the menu also created from a Wiki page e.g. a sort of "table of contents" page.

Using Wiki's linking capability, it's dead easy to create this menu page on the Wiki side. Not sure how easy it would be to then read it in and then use it from the Maven side to build the left hadn menu and determine what other pages to pull in.

(We use Twiki here at work - and that's how Twiki's left-hand-menu bar is created, just as a regular page which is then processed dynamically to create a left hand menu)

-- Rob

Marcel Offermans wrote:
Rich, Rob,

The way we setup the wiki now is that it uses a velocity template which embeds a static menu on the left. The reason for doing that is that we then could use exactly the same menu when generating stuff from within Maven and still have it look like one website.

So basically, there is no relation between the confluence site and the menu, the whole thing is hardcoded.

What we need to consider is if we want to keep using a static menu like this.

If we don't, we will have to accept that whatever dynamic menu we generate from Confluence (and there are plenty of ways to do that, so that won't be the problem) won't be automatically duplicated on the Maven generated pages. However, we can have those pages use a simplified menu that simply contains a link back to the homepage.

If we do want to keep the static menu, we can still add a second menu level for each main item, like we did for "documentation". If you add the {children} tag to that page, you will get a list of all child pages that you add below the documentation page.

Greetings, Marcel

On Aug 21, 2006, at 17:59 , Richard S. Hall wrote:

I agree that this could be improved too. As far as I could figure out, the main wiki page is the "index" of the web site and then the "menu" items on the index page simply correspond to the child wiki pages of the same name on the main wiki page.

Perhaps one approach is to move all wiki children to the pages where they are linked. Thus, the main wiki page would only have the menu item pages as children and then each menu item page would have its associated links as children.

Rob Walker wrote:
Nice work Ronald - big fan of wiki as we use it here for a lot of our project documentation.

Maybe I'm being dense here, but it's not immediately obvious how the structure of the confluence Wiki pages map to the structure of the generated web site e.g the main "index" page has a set of Children underneath which don't seem to match exactly to the left hand index on the generated web site page.

With a little bit of poking around, I think I figured which Wiki pages map to which web site pages - but maybe there's a more obvious or clearer way that the relationships could be shown so that it's easy for others to find, edit, and add new pages?


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