Oups, I have just commited them in the repo.

Do I remove
   mosgi.managedelements.memoryprobe.tab directory ?

They are located here :

On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 11:07:27AM -0400, Richard S. Hall wrote:
> Stephane,
> Are you hosting these in the repo or are you simply depending on them? I 
> assume you are just depending on them, but not checking them into the 
> repo. If so, then that is ok, right Upayavira?
> -> richard
> Upayavira wrote:
> >  
> >>Humm, I have a question about this.
> >>
> >>I have a bundle that uses jfree and jcommon librairies. These
> >>libraries are available as standard maven artifacts. Can I consider
> >>there licenses ASL compatible since they are provided through maven ?
> >>    
> >
> >No, it isn't as simple as that. You need to look for the license
> >specified against each item.
> >
> >Looking at jfree.org, it seems that resources there are licensed with
> >the LGPL. Unfortunately, LGPL code cannot be included within ASF
> >projects, as they place additional restrictions on usage that make it
> >incompatible with the Apache License (for more info, see third party
> >licensing link at http://www.apache.org/legal).
> >
> >That doesn't stop you using them, just that they can't be hosted at Apache.
> >
> >Are these utilities that you already have committed in the Felix repo,
> >or ones that you would have liked to include?
> >
> >Regards, Upayavira
> >
> >  
> >>/stephane
> >>On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 12:40:37PM +0100, Upayavira wrote:
> >>    
> >>>santillan wrote:
> >>>      
> >>>>Hi there,
> >>>>
> >>>>After struggling with my ADSL line, I daresay JMood is ready for moving 
> >>>>from
> >>>>my sandbox (santillan) to the trunk. However, being a newbie, I don't 
> >>>>want
> >>>>to mess things just before the graduation voting. Should I do something
> >>>>special? (e.g., create a JIRA issue, change something from the pom, ...)
> >>>>        
> >>>The issues regarding graduation are nothing to do with stability, more
> >>>to do with licensing. Does this move involve any new dependencies? If
> >>>so, are their licenses Apache License 2.0 compatible? If the answer is
> >>>yes, then any change you make won't affect graduation discussions.
> >>>
> >>>Regards, Upayavira
> >>>      
> >
> >  

Stephane Frenot - Associate professor | 
CITI/INRIA Ares - INSA lyon           | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bat. LĂ©onard de Vinci                 | http://ares.insa-lyon.fr/~sfrenot/
21 av Jean Capelle                    | ICQ:643346 (et oui !)
69621 Villeurbanne Cedex              | +33 472 436 422 / +33 617 671 714

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