Dittoes Julie!  I hope things work out without surgery too.  Your new docs sound much better.

Kerry MacKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Julie
Your husband's surgeon sounds fabulous--as you say, just the sort of doc we want for our kitties!
I'm so glad things are progressing in a hopeful way for Steve--I do hope the medication works and makes the surgery unnecessary.
Sending lots of positive vibes your way.
take care, Kerry
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: My Lucky is gone/Hubby update

Thank you so much, Tonya, and thank you for keeping Steve and me in your thoughts.
We met with another vascular surgeon last week and we both really liked him; he has a great reputation and was very good at explaining (without being condescending) and showing us treatment options. There is a medication called Platel which is a vasodilator that has been found to improve circulation in many patients where a bypass would have been the only option.  Steve started taking the medication for the aneurysm in his leg and if it works, he may be able to avoid that surgery.  The doctor assured us there is no risk of the clot moving; it is actually permanently sealed inside the aneurysm.  As far as the one in his abdomen, they are doing more tests this week to try to determine if that one is in danger of rupture; if it is, he will need immediate surgery.  If it seems not to be, then they will monitor it closely.  
At least we have a plan and some answers now; it's still scary, but the uncertainty of treatment and the doctors who I thought were not competant were making things so much worse.  In fact, I liked this surgeon so much that I'd consider letting him operate on one of my cats, how's that for a recommendation? 
Steve still has pain and numbness in that foot and leg but there is still circulation to it.  We are hoping this medication will work.  He went back to work for half-days starting yesterday (after proving he could drive this weekend!), so I'm TRYING to take each day as it comes.  I could really do with a break from the s***storms that keep cropping up!
Thank you so much for your concern and good thoughts.
Love, Julie

catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm so sorry to hear about Lucky!  She is at peace now.  Cancer isn't easy to beat.  How is your husband doing?  You've been in my thoughts.

Julie Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Freinds,
I lost my dear Lucky ("Lucky-Duck, the Sweet Baboo") on Friday.  She had surgery for mammary cancer just before Christmas and appeared to be recovering well.  Eating, playing, just being herself.  Toward the middle of last week, she seemed to be straining to poop and on Friday she was having diarrhea, not eating and obviously not feeling well .  I took her into the vet thinking that the diarrhea (following a bout of constipation) meant  she might have some stool blocking things.
What we found was several masses in her belly, fluid in her chest and belly, and an enlarged liver.  They were surprised that she was not already in respiratory distress.  Her prognosis was very poor.  Her cancer is typically not responsive to chemo and only a month ago her chest and stomach xrays were clear, so the cancer had moved aggressively.  We made the painful decision to euthanize her. 
I am heartbroken; I never expected to take her in and find anything remotely like what we found.  I'm grateful we had the time since Christmas together.  There is always great competition to sleep on my head and she came and found room on the pillow and cuddled with me on Wednesday night; she purred and seemed so happy.  I miss her so much, especially in the morning because she always sat on the bathroom radiator and 'helped' me get ready.
I found her hit by a car on my lunch hour about 8.5 years ago and she had some injuries to her face and the silliest little forehead that kind of stuck out and reminded us of a little bird.
Thanks for listening, everyone; I'd be lost without you all.
Love, Julie 

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