Hey Patti,
I don't have dogs in the house, so I know it's not fleas.  She's white in most places, so I would be able to tell.  Yes, she is stressed.  That's why I didn't offer to take Lovey (or anyone else) myself.  I've lost 4 cats in the past couple of years, and since that time mine have just not got along.  It's like they can't figure out a new pecking order or something.
She's due to go to the vet now anyway.  I'm just thinking if the vet wants to give pred. I'm going to say no..........  In the meantime I'm going to try some of the supplement ideas I get from you guys.
thank you Patti and Barbara!

I was basically going to say the same as Barbara - r/o stress(could it be Lovey's in the house?), allergies - so common
We had a cat @ the shelter who chewed herself bald. developed red, scabby spots. Turned out she had developed food allergies, especially beef. Only thing we could feed her was turkey.
Vet also put her on elavil (amitryptilline) 10mg. TID & chlorphenamarine(antihistamine) 2 mg. TID
To look at her now you wouldn't know it's the same cat!
One of my guys started chewing & losing hair in December......... couldn't figure it out until I was brushing him. Apparently, some fleas hitchiked on one of the dogs while they were outside & settled on Thom, who has flea allergies. Really weird, since it was so cold out, and none of the other critters had a flea on them!! Fleas were the last thing I would have thought of at the time...  Is it possible DD might have fleas somehow?  Just throwing some ideas out...
If only they could talk, we could learn so much.

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