Dear Cherie:

If that is what your vet prescribes, I am sure he/she has reasons for 
choosing that particular abx.  It is an effective one and good for a wide range 
applications as well as being and safer than some others.  My mom is a licensed 
wildlife rehabber and primarily involved with injured birds and Bayril is one 
of the few abx that can safely be used for birds.

I always ask vets why they choose whatever meds are being prescribed and one 
of my pet peeves is a vet who won't take the time to give me an explanation 
about what they are doing and WHY, so I can learn and become a better informed 
critter mom and be intelligently involved in my furkids' healing.  Some vets 
are very good at treating the critters, but not so good at explaining things to 
the caretaker.

Sally in San Jose

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