could be cephalexin (sp.,?).  also, when my sister was pregnant she got her husband to do litterbox duty and voila!!!!!!  They got a new littermaid!!!

Dear Kathy:

If you are concerned, it is never a stupid question. There is nothing you
can catch from Killian in the way of a virus that is related to her being FeLV+
or having a URI or something like that. Things like fleas and other external
parasites can certainly take up residence on humans, but they are not harmful
to your unborn child, just irritating to you.

The only real concern that I can think of is that there is slight risk of
toxoplasmosis associated with cleaning the litter box, but if you are worried
about that, the doctor can do a screening test for antibodies, I believe. And it
is relatively easy to avoid by either wearing rubber gloves and/or washing
your hands after doing any litterbox cleaning; better yet, have your hubby clean
the litterbox until after the baby is born.

If Killian had bloodwork done, then I am sure that was why your husband
thought she got an "injection" in the neck. I don't think it makes a big
difference where she got the B-Vite injection. Injections of B-Vites don't need an
adjuvant as do vaccines and that is what is thought to be associated with the
VIS. B-Vites can also be incorporated with subQ fluids, though whenever I've
tried that the cat has complained bitterly as it makes the fluids "sting."

If the name of the abx began with a "C" it was probably Clavamox (a combo of
amoxicillan and something else, I believe) or Clindamycin (which is usually
indicated for infections in the mouth such as severe gingivitis) but the latter
does not need to be refrigerated and is very gnarly tasting. I would be
curious as to why the vet prescribed abx as that won't address anything viral, but
is only effective for bacterial infections. But many vets routinely prescribe
abx to address the possibility of opportunistic bacterial infections that may
be waiting in the wings. I would definitely call and ask for an explanation.
If there is no evidence of bacterial involvement, there may be homeopathic
remedies that could be helpful without tweaking her GI tract the way abx can.
If she is getting abx be sure she gets some probiotics or yogurt or
acidophilus to counter the effects abx have in destroying the beneficial gut bacteria as
well as the noxious sort.

Here's hoping this will be just a minor episode and Killian will be back to
normal soon. Is she on any kind of immunosupportive therapy?

Sally in San Jose

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