I'm so sorry to hear about Lucky.  My Lindsey had surgery for mammary cancer last month also - they had to remove the front and back chains on her left side, and two individual tumors on her right side.  Like Lucky, she's seems to be doing well, but I've been watching for new lumps.  Now I'll make a point of following her to the litter pan at least once everyday.  Mammary cancer and mouth cancer are just about the two most aggressive forms of cancer in cats - and neither one do well with surgery.  It's hard to know if having surgery on it will extend their lives or shorten them.  Lindsey's first lumps I found went from the size of a pea, to the size of a lima bean in less than a week.  I'm hoping we can at least buy her an extra month or two. 
I'm so sorry you lost your Lucky.  She sounds like a very strong and special girl.
Where there's Life, there's Hope


"If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning."

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