Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry your baby is feeling so poorly.  You need to find a vet that can make a diagnosis and get her on medicine that will help her right away.  I know you've already brought her to the vet, (I assume "anties" means antibiotics?).  My kitty was acting the same way as yours and she was treated with antibiotics that were not quite right for what she was suffering from.  She'd get better and then sick again right away.  I suspect that my kitty's anemia was caused by a blood parasite, even though it didn't show up on her blood work.  So, the first thing you have to do is find a vet that will want to help you treat your baby, and now.  First ask the vet you've been seeing to recommend a specialist or an internist.  If your vet can't help you find somebody, see if there is an emergency clinic near you and call them.  Tell them you need help finding a vet that can help your very sick kitty.  They will know of vets in your area that can help you.  Everyone on this list knows what it's like to save a kitty from death, only to be faced with it again.  We know how upset you must be.  Is your kitty eating?  If she's stopped eating you'll have to help her get some food down.  Try offering her really yummy smelly stuff, touch her mouth with a dab of it to get her started.  Let us know if she won't eat and we'll tell you what else to do.

I'm praying for you and your kitty, hang in there and try not to panic.  Think good thoughts and tell your baby you're going to help her get well.

Much love,

crystal dunham wrote:
I need to find out if there are any vets near albany ny who will treat cats that have FeLV I found out about 4 weeks ago that mt cat has it after about 3 colds in 3 months and then on the 4th month she almost died untill the new vet did blood work and told us she had FeLV he put her on antie"s she did good for about 1month and now she like drulling,getting verry white around the gums and her head is starting to like jurk all the vets say to me is she should be put down,and I will not kill my cat just because she has FeLV,shes my baby my mom got her for me when i came home from hosp,fromhaveing a surgey that went bad she is a great cat Inamed her miatia with big blue eyes she came from someone who lives on a farm and has aleast 50 cats she was under feed and sick when my mom brought her home she is my life so could some one please let me know were do i go next or what do i do next this is all new to me never had a ill animal before

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