Brenda, that's wonderful - I've been busy and not reading the last few weeks, but am so delighted to hear your news about the kitties - also about the angiogram. Wow. Fantastic! You're amazin! Lots of Arkansas good wishes coming your way for you and your new babies.


Hi All....

Sorry to be so long getting news to you, but I was totally exhausted last night and not much more rested today as yet.

Lovey walked in here like he owned the place. lol He likes all the cats, but NOT the dogs. He growls at them if they even walk by. :) His neck wounds could have been caused from dog bites which could be why he growls at the or he just isn't used to dogs. Merry hasn't warmed up as much yet. She has eaten since we got home last night and this morning, but right now she is hiding under the stairs in the basement. I don't think she is too impressed with the dogs either, but the frosting on the cake came when my newest Baby Kitty (who I adopted last May) hissed at her. I think it hurt her feelings. :( She'll come around I'm sure and Lovey will eventually get better feelings for the dogs. He is better already today. They are both such wonderful cats and real troopers after that long trip.

By the way, Lovey is not a Seal Point Himalayan. He is a Chocolate Point Birman. Merry is a Lynx Point Himalayan. She is not really that skinny. She just needs to fill out and recover from having babies. They will both be on Wellness dry and some occasional canned.

I will write more later about our trip. You won't believe the story. Truly amazing that these cats are here and well. We will forever be grateful for all the help and good wishes from all involved.

    More later.


     Brenda, Janine, Lovey & Merry.....

<> "The only risk you ever run in befriending a cat is enriching yourself." - Colette

Don't Take Your Organs To Heaven.  Heaven Knows We Need Them Here.

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