My positive Kitty Amber breathes that way also, I thought it was an URI but, my vet said do not worry it is all apart of FeLV. I would not worry too much, especially if you have an appointment in a few days

"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi everyone
I need some advice re breathing.
I realized my negative cat Trixie's breathing has become audible--it
sounds a bit like snoring (I don't know if cats snore as such?), but
she's often awake when I hear it.
I've made an apptmt for another check-up (she had her last physical in
November) but my vet, who I trust totally, can't see her till March 5.
Any ideas? Should I be sufficiently concerned to get her an earlier
apptmt with a different vet?
Thanks in advance, Kerry

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