Thank you for that tip.  She has a large bladder stone, no crystals, and her ph was borderline so they could not tell which kind of stone, struvite or oxylate.  We are trying the food that helps with struvite, as well as some chinese herbs used to dissolve bladder stones, to see if that works. It's been a month and she has a recheck on Monday. If the stone is smaller we will continue this way. If not, she needs surgery, which is a big deal because she is FeLV+ (if she needs surgery I am going to start her on feline interferon a week or two beforehand). If she gets surgery, I will find out what kind of stone it is, and if it is the appropriate kind I will try what you recommended. I am filing it for future use anyway.
In a message dated 3/3/05 12:35:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I am sorry to budge in, but I was wondering about Lucyâs condition regarding blood in urine? Does she have crystals in urine?  What is her urine ph level?  If itâs too alkali which has been for one of my FIV positive cat, Papa.  I have something I finally found which is working for Papa.  He used to have incidents of he had to pee all the time, and blood will come out instead of urine every 2  to 3 weeks or so, and antibiotics do not work, but with L-methonian (? â I canât spell) â he is problem free now!!

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