Thanks, Michelle - I got them as kittens, and I do feel that they would have lived longer if they'd been started on interferon earlier. Wish I'd tried it -


At 10:47 AM 3/7/2005, you wrote:
Don't feel bad about not having given interferon to those you lost to
lymphoma. I gave interferon to Simon every day and he got lymphoma, whereas I
don't give it to Patches and Ginger (because it stresses them too much) and so
far (knock on wood a thousand times) they have not. So I do not think
interferon prevents lymphoma.

In a message dated 3/7/05 10:44:11 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< I give my FELV babies interferon, wish I'd started it a few years ago
with the babies I've lost to lymphoma. >>

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