Title: Message
Hi Brenda
I was hoping I could see pix of the little honeys (not something I'm teched up to do myself, so I usually hesitate to ask others)---yes, please--do send!
Glad you're doing well too, Brenda. Thank goodness. That was some saga.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brenda K. Smith
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 11:59 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: Lovey and Merry Home! :) - Third Act! LONG!


    Thanks so much for replying.  You are the only one on this list who has replied to my last update on Lovey and Merry.  I don't know if my email got bounced off this list or what.  Everybody seemed very interested in Lovey and Merry so wanted to be sure everybody heard about getting them home here with us.

    They are both doing wonderfully well right now.  I have pictures if anybody would like to see them in their new home.  Also, I am doing just fine. :)



"The only risk you ever run in befriending a cat is enriching yourself." - Colette

Don't Take Your Organs To Heaven.  Heaven Knows We Need Them Here.

MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:
I am a week behind and trying to catch up. This is a great story Brenda. Lovey and Merry are 2 very fortunate little kitties. I hope you're all having a chance to enjoy life now after that exhausting and stressful trip!
take care, Kerry
-----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Brenda K. Smith Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 11:33 PM To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org Cc: JENNIFER RYAN CADIEU; Del; Peggy Dial; Dale Thompson; Reghan Dagley Subject: OT: Lovey and Merry Home! :) - Third Act! LONG!
Hi All......     Peggy, would you please pass this on to Tinley?  Thanks.     Also, thank you Dan for your leg of the trip.  I understand it wasn't so special. :) You are a good man.     I left off with going to meet Tom at the Wisconsin Dells.  We arrived between 10:00 and 10:30 PM.  We had a few words with Tom and thanked him again profusely.  When he opened his car door the tom cat smell just about floored us. lol  Poor Tom. :(  We got the cats transferred to our car and thanked Tom again.  He took off for home and we decided to find an out of the way place in the Dells.  We were tired and knew the cats would appreciate getting out of the kennels.  Also, since we hadn't brought any gas masks I knew we needed to do some cleaning up. lol     Just a few blocks from the pick up we found a small place called The Malibu Inn.  It is owned and operated by a very nice Turkish family.  My daughter went to check to see if they had a quiet room and if they would accept cats.  Janine thought she shouldn't say anything in case they wouldn't let us check in.  I suggested she play it by ear.  I wanted to stay in the car with the cats.  Anyway, a little later I saw the man owner take her to a room so that she could check it out.  She came over to the car and said she thought it was fine and we could check in with the cats as long as they remained kenneled.  We just looked at each other because we knew we weren't going to leave them all night in the kennels, but we let the owner think that.  I had brought Ozium spray for odors, a disinfectant to clean the kennels and spray things around the motel room.  I've seen too many programs on the supposed cleanliness of motel/hotel rooms. :)  We also brought Nature's Miracle in case Lovey sprayed.     The man owner kept hanging around trying to be helpful and I just wanted him to leave us alone so that we could get the cats out of the car.  We didn't want him to smell the inside of the car or the cats or he surely wouldn't have let us check in. lol  We left the car running with the heat on and took everything in but the cats.  We also didn't want to take a chance that one of the cats would get out the door while bringing things into the room.  We got everything in and about to go get the cats in when he knocked on our door.  I forget what he wanted, but he was just trying to be helpful.  After we got rid of him, we ran out to the car (parked in front of our room) and got the cats into the room.  Within seconds the entire room was permeated with Lovey's tom cat smell.  It was intense.  I asked my daughter to get a plastic bag out of the car and I let the cats out of the kennels.  Lovey had a big blue tow el and a folded sheet which were saturated with urine.  I shoved those into the bag, tied it and asked Janine to put it in the trunk until we could find an outside waste container.  I then disinfected his kennel, dried it out and put fresh bedding in.  We also started spraying the parts of the room that the cats weren't in.  They were afraid of the spray so just sprayed away from them.     Meanwhile, Lovey and Merry are still eating canned and dry.  I actually fed them before I cleaned out his kennel. Merry had a litter box in her kennel and she had gone in it, but there was no smell.  When they finished eating they started exploring running over both beds, sniffing everything and just generally feeling free at last. :)  We checked them both over and both appeared to be just fine.  Lovey had litter stuck in his paws and we pulled out what we could without hurting him.  Merry was very ladylike.  It took about two hours of intermittent spraying of Ozium before we got rid of the tom cat smell.      We were going to go out for a late dinner, but decided we didn't want to leave the cats alone in a strange room.  So, we broke out some cheese (Wisconsiners you know? :) ) and crackers that we had brought along in case we got hungry, poured a glass of wine and laid back to watch some television while the cats explored.  We had two double beds so they had a blast walking back and forth across our heads on the pillows like they were looking for the path to Nirvana. lol  Lovey made himself at home after a couple of pieces of cheese on the pillow next to my daughter. Merry was also enjoying some cheese with me on my bed and she settled down by my side.  When we were ready for bed Lovey actually had his head on Janine's hand on his pillow and she covered him with the blanket.  That's how they slept all night.  Merry and I slept together all night too. Unfortunately, Janine awoke after only 4 hours of sleep and couldn't get back to sleep.  She said I was moaning and groaning in my sleep.  Before I fell asleep my top left foot and toes were so swollen and bruised that I couldn't stand for even the sheet to lay on it.  Janine said she couldn't believe that I slept through banging doors, vacuuming, etc.  I g uess I was pretty exhausted after being hurt fairly badly and then driving for hours.     We asked for a late check out because by the time we got checked in and everything taken care of, it was pretty late. The owner said how about 1:00 PM and we said thanks. :)  Actually, we were ready to leave at 1:00, but the man and wife owners had heard about the traveling cats and wanted to see them and make over them so we didn't leave until 1:30 PM.  We wanted to get as far as we could before we had to stop to eat.  Janine was very tired, but she had to drive.  I had taken a Benedryl capsule at bedtime and with the lack of food, exhaustion and painful sleep I was just about a zombie.  It was like there was a veil over my eyes and I could hardly stay awake in the car.     We had also changed the kennel situation before leaving the motel.  Merry had the big kennel with the littler box and Lovey had the smaller kennel.  So I changed Lovey and his litter box to the larger kennel and put Merry in the smaller kennel.  She is small compared to Lovey.      We finally had to stop for gas and get something to eat.  Thank goodness for Subway. lol  We didn't want to leave the cats in the car alone long enough to eat, so we settled on Subway.  We filled the car with gas and started off while I fixed the sub for Janine to eat while continuing to drive.  She has done that many times and there was little traffic on the freeway to worry about.  We had no further problems and reached  home about 6:45 PM.  As we neared home about an hour away, I finally stopped feeling drugged.  It figures. lol     Besides getting these wonderful cats home, do you want to know the best part of the trip?  Neither Lovey nor Merry let out a peep on the way home from Wisconsin Dells to our home in Herbster, WI. :)  You have all heard about Lovey's vocal dislike of kennels and his antics of rebellion.  Janine and I weren't looking forward to over 5 hours of caterwauling. LOL  We figured that both Lovey and Merry must have sensed that we were their loving, forever people and knew they were safe and loved now.  After all, they got to sleep with us and cuddle and kiss. :)     Thank you all again so much.  You are all truly loving and compassionate people.  If we can absolutely ever help any of you, all you have to do is let us know.  You all will always be in our prayers and hearts.     Lovey has almost completed his hormone cleansing and is starting to smell much better. lol  He continues to act like this is his home and he is the King!  He still growls at the dogs, but we are hoping that he will get used to them.  He is a true love bug.  Merry is simply precious, but as yet is not a cuddler.  She loves to be petted and make silent meows which are absolutely adorable.  She loves to sleep on my bed.  Lovey has claimed my recliner, my daughter's lap and mine.  Merry wants to eat anything she sees me or Janine eating.  She's a riot.  All of my cats seem to be getting along fairly well except Baby Kitty who, I admit I have spoiled rotten, still has her nose slightly out of joint, but she is getting more accepting, but she's not happy about it and lets me know it. lol     I'm sorry I didn't finish this sooner, but had to turn around and drive to Minneapolis again this past Monday and drive back again the same day.  Had to see my heart transplant doctor which I have to do every two years.  We didn't want to stay overnight and be away from Lovey and Merry because they were still finding their way around.  We drove over 1400 miles in a week and a half between the angiogram, the new kitties and doctor.  That's probably not much for many people, but we hardly ever go anywhere but to town 40 miles away maybe once a month.  But, getting Lovey and Merry home was the best trip of all. :)     I took a couple of pictures of Lovey and Merry, but haven't checked to see if they came out.  As soon as I do, I'll let you all know if you are interested in seeing them.     Thank you all so much again.  Lovey and Merry send you all kitty kisses and purrs.


"The only risk you ever run in befriending a cat is enriching yourself." - Colette

Don't Take Your Organs To Heaven.  Heaven Knows We Need Them Here.
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