Tamara and Holly,
Again my eyes are filled with tears, yet again we have to say goodbye. So much love and so much heartache. I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for your courage and compassion, thank you for making their lives cherished and appreciated. Waging the daunting battle for their comfort and happiness while they're with us is what matters. Each one of our little angels touch our lives in such a profound way, despite the pain, we're so much better for having known and loved them. We all put everything we have into extending their lives and making the time we have together the best it can be. I know how it leaves a gaping hole when we are forced to let go of their sweet physical presence. It never gets easier. Your energy of strength and love has helped to make the world a better place. I know that energy is depleted right now. We're all sending you our strength and love, I pray it washes over you and helps to bring you peace.

Much love,

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