I hope you can find a home for him.  I hope Samson gets better with his stomasititis as well.  I haven't had to deal with that one yet.  (knock on wood)  But I have a couple who have 'bad teeth' and have had to have quite a few pulled even though they're relatively young.

Barbara Baass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes, Tonya,
Samson was tested before Tom came up. He is negative. He just turned three a couple weeks ago. the other three are also negative. Tom is the only positive. We have also been on the Stomastitis site. Kitties with that does seem to have felv, but Samson tested negative. I believe he had the Elisa test a couple years ago. Samson has on going problems with his mouth. I just had his teeth pulled a couple months ago, but he is still have problems.
I will have to find Tom a home some how. We have too many kitties and we are gone a lot. Tom needs to get the attention that he deserves. Somebody always gets let out if you have too many. Bentley from next door has also moved his self in. He use to play footies with Samson under the fence when he was a baby. Bentley grew up and came over the fence. Him  and Samson are like brothers. Bentley kind of gets left out too. Samson, Tasha & Mitsy sleep in the bed, but there is not room for Tom or Bentley and i know they would like to sleep in bed too. I have turned down 4 people that answered my ad in the paper for Tom. They were not good people. I want Tom to go to a loving home. He is so sweet and lay ed back. He is very smart and wants to please you. He is a people kitty. He wants to be where you are. He is a very beautiful cat and a big hefty one. I just hope that I can find a home for him and a loving one.

catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Has your cat with stomastitis been tested recently for leukemia?  It's very common for positive cats.  He may have already been positive before you brought Tom in......  I hope he is negative.

Barbara Baass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nina, I am so sorry to hear about Jazz. I know exactly how you feel. I lost Princess to CRF 4 years ago and I was on that site. She was 17 and was my pride & joy. You never get over them but after a long time it does become easier and know that Jazz will always be with you next to your heart and some day you will see her again and you both will be re-united.
This is also a great site and a lot of support. As far as Tom was concern, I was told by another vet, not my vet, what had to be done and I kept putting it off. I couldn't bring myself to do it, even though I kept telling myself that it had to be done and for some reason I went to this FELV site to see what everyone would said about it. I know now that Tom deserves  to be here. I will still at least try to find him a home if possible. I have a kitty that has Stomasstisis and his system is weak. He seems to get every little thing and the vet bills are on going. I don't know if he would get this from Tom or not, but I sure hope not. Tom is a great cat. I have 4 kitties already. Two were abused, & one was running for his life from 30 turkeys when he was 5 weeks old. The other one just moved his self in from next door, as he & Samson use to play paws under the fence when Bentley was a baby. Bentley grew up and came over the fence and just moved his self in.
Again, I am so sorry for the loss of Jazz and know that she is there waiting for you.

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello my beloved list,
Thank you everyone for your kind words and sympathy. I have been a
total wreck, but knowing you guys care, really helps. I'm walking
around like a zombie, doing just what I have to do to keep the rest of
the household going. I'm steeped in denial. I keep expecting her to
walk around the corner with that fabulous tail of hers raised high in
greeting. I don't know how that can be, we all try so hard to prepare
ourselves, it was still so sudden and unexpected. Gracy is taking it
hard too. And of course, there's the second guessing...

I've been reading the posts about Tom and I have to say it gives me so
much hope to hear how you folks have enlightened Barbara and given such
a deserving cat a chance at life. (Jen, I know you are probably sorry
about your outburst, but it made me feel so good to know that Jazz has
stirred such emotion, thank you). I so hope Barbara decides to keep
him. I can just imagine the tendrils of understanding spreading to
everyone, one owner and one vet at a time. It's just inspiring.

I didn't expect to be posting so soon, but I just had to tell you how
much you guys mean to me.

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