Thanks for the insight, Nina. I'd be interested to know names of any of
the books that you particularly like/recommend (as recommended by Gypsy
and Zevon's reader). best, Kerry

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: relative merits of Doxy and Clavamox?

Apparently, Dox is used long-term in fighting Lyme disease etc. in 
humans.  Some people are on it for over a year.  If I remember 
correctly, Dox does not "kill" the parasite it's fighting, it retards 
growth.  Patients with healthy immune systems will fight off the 
parasite with the help of Dox keeping it under control, but it takes a 
long time.  I guess because Grace's immune system is not up to par, 
she's unable to get whatever parasite is bothering her under control.   
I'm not pleased about it, but I don't seem to have any choice.

As far as male vs. female in picking up my moods, I'd have to say it's 
more an individual thing.  All my animals respond to my moods, (poor 
things!  I have to get some sort of assistance with regulating my mood 
swings!).  Well, come to think of it, Ursula couldn't care less, unless 
it's directed specifically at her.  I think it's more about how in tune 
I am with them, so that I notice things that might get by, for instance,

my husband.  I'm always picking up on things involving my clients dogs 
that they marvel at.  I don't think I'm communicating telepathically, I 
just use my experience and am hyper sensitive to their needs.  I've 
always been "in tune" with animals, but caring for the FelV cats has 
revved it up a notch.  Knowing they're a gift I may not be able to keep,

and having to keep such a watchful eye on illness, has made me even more

aware than I used to be.  Speaking of AC, I've just ordered some books 
suggested by the lady that read Gypsy and Zevon for me.  I'll let you 
know if I have any breakthroughs!

MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:

>Thanks Nina.
>I never realized that antibiotics could be given longterm. It's
>wonderful that it's having such a positive effect on Grace. Yes, I'm
>sure you're right--that she was mourning Jazz.
>Interesting that you are so aware of your furballs taking on your mood.
>I should observe mine more closely. I know my female negative kitty
>Trixie is very sensitive to human mood. D'you think it applies to the
>boys too?!
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
>Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 3:28 PM
>Subject: Re: relative merits of Doxy and Clavamox?

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