I've thought about that - going to different churches - so glad to know it's worked out pretty well. I've used book stores and health food stores - got some takers that way.

Might try the local yahoo cat list too for PA or the Phillie area.


At 04:56 PM 4/30/2005, you wrote:
Hi Barb,
I have a stray also that I found about three months ago and can't find him a home. I had pretty good luck with runing an ad in the newspaper, but turned down 5 people. The only thing is that the ad runs $35 to $45 a week. I have 4 non-positive and "Tom", the one that came up is positive and I have been mixing them. I just hope & pray that none of them get felv from Tom.
He sure is a great cat. I will kep trying. Here lately, I have been going to a different church every Sunday and posting an ad with his picture on it and I had two response. One who's vet told her not to take him and another that decided she wanted a baby kitten. At least the church thing is working out, since I am getting a response.
Good Luck with yours.
Barbara Baass

Barbara Carnahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I feel pretty stupid - forgot to put my location on the following post!!

I am located in Horsham, PA - about 15 minutes NW of Philadelphia. I will help with any transportation needed if Harbour finds a good home!!!


Barb Carnahan

-------------- Original message --------------

I found a stray cat this week that is an absolute sweetheart - and
unfortunately is FeLV positive. She is about 4 to 5 years old, black
and white, and one of the most affectionate cats I have ever met. I
would love to bring her home, but already have 2 cats and 2 dogs.
The cat, whom we have named Harbour after the restaurant where I
found her, does seem to be frightened of dogs of all sizes. Harbour
is currently staying at the vet hospital where I work, but I can't
keep her there much longer due to a lack of cage space. She seems
healthy, eating well, active. She is extremely friendly and talks to
those who pass by her cage. I can't bear the thought of euthanasia,
so I must find her a place to go ASAP. Can anyone here help me??

Barb Carnahan


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