Touch their ears? That just in itself would be a champagne-popping
event. Nah, I just have to move my little finger half an inch and
they're gone. Outa there. The only means of touching them is indirectly,
with a long-handled toy (which Flavia particularly enjoys, tho she tries
hard not to show it. She pretends she's on a mission that requires her
to strut back and forth repeatedly past me from one end of the room to
the other, and in pursuing her mission has to "put up" with me stroking
her with the toy. :>))

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: I need ideas on best brand of carrier for feral

I'm betting the house-call vet you've used will prescribe you some.  
Will they let you touch their ears?  I'm pretty sure you can get Ace in 
a transdermal.

MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:

>Thanks Chris--I'll look into this ace promezine that you mention. I
>haven't had luck with Rescue Remedy and Feliway prior to vet vists.
>Did the vet give it to you without seeing Big Boy first? I'm not sure
>mine will (which of course defeats the object). Kerry
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris
>Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 9:52 AM
>Subject: RE: I need ideas on best brand of carrier for feral 
>Just a couple of ideas...
>I have used a small dog crate (all wire) to put food in & get Big Boy
>to eating it while I sat next to it.  Then I just closed the door & off
>went.  That's how I trapped him.  Problem is once we got to vet--BB
>wouldn't come out & that first visit was pretty horrific!  
>Vet game me 'ace promezine'(? On spelling)--that sure did the trick.  I
>could pick him up, etc.  What I did was put a sherpa (soft sided
>carrier) I
>have on the bed where he likes to sleep & he just sort of curled up in
>it &
>went to sleep!  I then zipped the front opening & off we went again.
>times I had to do this, vet visit went a whole lot better--and as a
>bonus, I
>got to hold him to trim his nails (of course I had forgotten to ask vet
>do it).  I would think this would also be good to give sub Q.  BB knew
>everything that was going on but just didn't seem to care much--sort of
>a nice high?  There were no long lasting side effects--he was just sort
>real sleepy & staggering around a little for a few hours but was
>fine later on at night...
>I'm not into all sorts of meds but I have to say that this really
>poor BB's stress level.  He won't take pill pockets so I put this very
>pill in some soft treats I know he really likes.  Also, can use cheese,
>anything you can make into a small little ball they can sort of swallow
>one gulp...
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MacKenzie,
>Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 10:07 AM
>Subject: I need ideas on best brand of carrier for feral 
>Hi everyone
>Do any of you wonderful people have any ideas on the best carrier for a
>Here's what's needed:
>1. They need to be able to enter it in the normal way to eat every day
>so they get used to going in. 
>2. I need to be able to close it quickly while they're in (remote
>control would be the answer!) if I have to take them to the vet (or the
>vet is coming to them). 
>3. If they need a sub-Q, I need to do that while they're IN the
>carrier--that would mean holding them down from the top, while I give
>the sub Q. So it needs to open easily at the top--ie it's not going to
>work if the top is fiddly to remove, because they'll escape while I'm
>removing it. 
>4. Other things I haven't thought of?!
>Thanks for any brand/model suggestions!--Kerry
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