Oh Tonya,
You must have felt terrible, on two fronts! Poor baby. Don't you wish we could just explain why we do what we do. They are however cats, they probably wouldn't agree with our logic anyway. When I used an AC to talk to Gypsy, (before she developed her IBD symptoms), I asked her to convey how important it was for me to be able to handle her. What if she got sick, how would I help her if I couldn't touch her? Gypsy's response? I'm not going to get sick! Cat logic, sometimes there's no arguing with it.

catatonya wrote:

Mine are the same way being indoor only. They scatter when anyone enters the house. Also, I don't consider myself an animal communicator, but I think my cats are people communicators. When I act totally nonchalant (having to take one to the vet) it's as if they "know" what I'm thinking and hide! I have one scaredy cat who's not feral.
Once when I was trying to get him in the carrier all my tricks didn't work and I ended up chasing him round and round the house. Finally he jumped on top of my kitchen cabinets. Well I got a chair and blocked off where he climbed up and climbed up to get him. Then I heard sssssssssssssssssssssss............. !!!! He had wet himself, and the top of my cabinet he was so afraid. I hate having to take mine in to the vet's.

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