Oh Michelle, you're life is such a nightmare right now. 

That's actually great news about the normal bm and Ginger being more active outside, that was a great idea.  I stand by my feelings about Ginger, it sounds like she's doing pretty darn good, all things considered.  She probably doesn't want affection right now, because, a) she feels so crummy, and b) she doesn't have the faith in modern medicine that you do and wants to try and heal on her on.  Next time tell her to indulge you because it makes you feel better to be doing something that might help, (better throw in an apology or two!).

Here are my thoughts on Lucy...  I think it's quite possible that she's upset about your being so upset.  She's picking on Ginger because she's one of the ones stressing you out.  Poor Patches just got caught in the crossfire.  My cat Instigator is the self-appointed enforcer of my bunch.  If I'm upset with anyone, or if anyone is fighting, (or even playing too rough), Instigator comes out of nowhere and whomever is closer gets it, but good.  Besides, you know how cats can be, they don't like to be reminded that they are vulnerable in any way.  She's probably upset that Ginger's not doing a better job of hiding her maladies.  Keep them separated and let Lucy know you can handle the situation without her help, if she wants to make you feel better, be nicer to Ginger, or ignore her all together.

Is this Fern with the swollen joints?  Have you tried giving her flax seed oil for inflammation?  Did you talk to your vet about the Peroxicam?  You really have your hands full girl, there's no denying that.  Pardon my French, but get your ass in the shower, make your self a cup of tea, (or whatever herb might sooth you, I still think the Valium is a good idea), and stop looking, and TRY to stop worrying, about your animals for at least an hour.  Get yourself away from the computer, let the answer machine get the phone, fix a hot water bag for yourself, gather your animals around you and put a distracting movie in the DVD player.  If I were there, I'd wrap you up in a towel, force a sedative down you and make you hold still.  Since I'm not, you'll have to take care of yourself.  Honestly Michelle, you're stressing the whole house out, do your animals a favor as well as yourself and take a couple of deep breaths.

Blessing and love to you Michelle,

I do try to pet her a lot, but for the past two days she does not want me to.  The first few days, even though she would growl and fight while I syringed her, she would roll over for me to rub her belly right afterwards and forgive everything. Now she hides from me unless I offer her a string, which she absolutely can not resist, so I do it a lot even though the dentist said not to (she can bite and pull stitches in her mouth), because it seems such a stress relief for her.
She had a normal bowel movement, so the diarrhea seems to have stopped which is a bit of a relief.  I brought her out into the yard and left her out there, and she seems to be enjoying the sun, walking around a little and sitting up and looking out the fence. Inside my bedroom she was just laying around. 
Lucy freaked out again when she saw Ginger though, and started screaming, so I locked her inside. Patches ran in as I closed the door and Lucy attacked her and ripped a thin slice of skin off the outside of her ear, which is now hanging there. I stopped the bleeding, put antibiotic ointment on it, and called the vet, who said I can just monitor it for now, and then locked Patches outside with Ginger and Lucy by herself inside.  I do not know what has gotten into her. 
Meanwhile, my dog seems to be getting her auto-immune disorder back, and her joints are swelling up.  She had this before and was put on an immune-suppressant and a lot of pred. We recently lowered the pred because the disorder was under control and she was starting to get signs of Cushings disease from the pred, and now the auto-immune disease has flared back up.
I have not showered in three days or brushed my teeth in two, and have only left the house once to go take care of Lamby, the sheep I take care of, and walk Fern.  I have cancelled work commitments.  (Granted, part of that was because I myself was sick the last 2 days and on a lot of meds). Gray is at work for the day.  I am so overwhelmed and tired and depressed. 

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